LEGO F.R.I.E.N.D.S Apartments (10292) Seti Duyuruldu


Artık Creator Expert ismini taşımayan Creator Expert setlerinin en yenisi LEGO F.R.I.E.N.D.S Apartments (10292) bugün duyuruldu.

En hızlı satan LEGO Ideas seti ünvanına sahip, bizim de incelediğimiz 21329 Central Perk setinin başarısının ardından, daha geniş kitlelerle ulaşan yetişkin setleri stratejisine de uygun bir şekilde, daha da büyük ve detaylı bir F.R.I.E.N.D.S seti olan 10292, dizideki apartman dairelerini, yine bir televizyon seti formatında sunuyor.

Dizinin hayranları için farklı bölümlere bolca göndermeler içeren bu set, daha yüksek bir fiyat etiketiyle karşımıza çıksa da talebin yine fazla olacağını öngörüyoruz.


1 Haziran’da piyasaya sürülecek (ülkemize de gecikmeden gelmesini bekliyoruz) ve tahmini Türkiye fiyatı 1599,90 TL (İkinci yarı yıl dönemine geldiği için tabii fiyatta değişiklikler olabilir, ama umarız olmaz), Amerika fiyatı $149,99 ve Avrupa fiyatı €149,99 olacak 2.048 parçalık bu setin resmi ürün görsellerini ve orijinal basın açıklamasını aşağıda bulabilirsiniz:



10292 LEGO F.R.I.E.N.D.S Apartments Basın Bülteni


11th May 2021: Today, the LEGO® Group announces the new LEGO F.R.I.E.N.D.S Apartments Set – which allows fans of the iconic Warner Bros. TV series the chance to recreate their favourite scenes. The 2,048-piece set, features both Monica and Rachel’s, and Chandler and Joey’s New York apartments, plus the adjoining hallway.

İlginizi Çekebilir:  "Modüler" LEGO Setleri Karşılaştırması: Her Bütçeye Bir Set (80113-10312-10326-10316)

Following the hugely popular LEGO Ideas Central Perk set, which was released in 2019, the LEGO Friends Apartments set is complete with iconic features and props, such as the classic moment when Monica put the Thanksgiving turkey on her head, the one where Joey and Chandler only had a canoe as furniture and when Phoebe’s dollhouse went up in flames.

Other accessories from the show include the Poking Device; Gladys, Phoebe’s creepy art piece; the cheesecake that falls on the floor; Pat the Dog; the chick and duck, and many more.  The set also gives fans the real sense of the original filming studio with set lights and allows you to display both apartments either separately or linked together with the hallway.

Additional features of the set include; new minifigures of the whole gang, in some of their most memorable outfits; Rachel’s iconic plaid skirt; Ross’ too tight leather pants; Monica in an apron; Phoebe in a classic floral look; Chandler in a suit and loud designer tie; and Joey wearing all of Chandler’s clothes. And for the first time ever, Janice will also feature as a minifigure in a classic over-the-top gaudy outfit.

Anderson Ward Grubb, LEGO Set Designer commented “Following the success of the LEGO Ideas Central Perk set, we wanted to develop another tribute to this iconic TV show with a focus on the famous apartments.  We worked directly from production photos of the set as well as watching and re-watching a lot of episodes so we could capture as many iconic moments as possible.  One fun challenge was figuring out how to represent some aspects that change over the course of the show that appear in some episodes and not in others.  I am looking forward to seeing if the eagle-eyed fans will spot them.”

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